16 August 2014

Hell Rising

It seems that the world is struggling to find harmony.  That the pendulum is swinging erratically and that the rope is frayed to the point of breaking.

And you're right.  It is.

The United States has been caught red handed in dealing arms around the world, mobilizing military units to go into countries that are not designated war zones, extrajudicially killing many people without due cause, curbing the right to free information, and allowing corporations absolute control over their particular domains...

My country, which has been touted to be the "Land of the Free," has more incarcerations than any other country in the world.  We are too broke to take care of our own people yet we are sending money all over the world to fund "projects" and support other governments.  We are denying the rights of survival to people in our own country by allowing corporations to sell that which is freely available.  We have more empty homes than there are homeless.

Yet one thing is for certain.  As this continues, the Heaven that those in power have created for themselves will fall, and the Hell that they envision will rise up.  They will slip out of control because what they do cannot be hid any more.  As instantaneous exchange of information becomes recognized as a need of the people to maintain control of their rights, those in power will no longer be able to hide in secrecy.  Their being in power means they are the ones that give up the right to privacy.  They will be held accountable for the decisions they make.

Those that thought they could control us will realize that we are the ones that will control them.  The requirement that they are a servant of the people is that they will now be at the whim of the people they reportedly serve.  Repercussions for abuse of power can be dealt with immediately.  Transparency of the use of governmental resources increases as informational technology becomes more common place.

It is inevitable. Which means we need to stand up for ourselves as humanity, individuals part of a whole species, an anonymous collective.  The sooner we do this, the sooner our grandchildren and further down the line can have something resembling peace and unity.  We won't see it in our day.  What we will see is either the destruction of our race or the rebirth of the human spirit.

Who's with me?