02 February 2020

The House Major of Candyland: The plagued Rat Who Believed itself to be a Rhino

I'll be quick and dirty with this one because Rynearson is a Government slut who likes to take that fat military idustrial cock then watch as his wife is fucked by better men. He's the Rat that pretends to be a Rhino. The House Major of Candyland.

Rick Rynearson continues to paint targets on my back. He's been stalking me and harassing me ever since I began blowing the whistle on America’s disastrous drone program. He’s stalked me online and done everything he can to ruin my reputation, no matter what I’m doing, always trying to distract the American people away from my statements; about the disastrous wars we shouldn’t be engaged with anymore; wars that cause horror many of us cannot un-see, and cannot condone.

Even now in my home town, Rick Rynearson is fear-mongering individuals in my community, alleging that I’m threatening physical violence upon them. Ludicrous.

So who is this Rick Rynearson, and why does he save such a hard-on for me?

He dispatched several USMC veterans, Via a website called "This Aint Hell" all of whom had been propagandized to his views to such a degree that they sought my harm; a fellow brother-in-arms. The only reason they relented was, they said, “out of respect for my grandfather.”

So here we have a situation where local politics is reaching such a boiling point, with our citizens committing suicide all around us, with all of our local businesses closing down, with one of the highest income disparities in the country, where emotions are very high, and we’re once again distracting attention AWAY from the pressing issues of extreme suffering in our community.

And because emotions are high, certain elements of identity politics are rearing their ugly head again. And right now that’s manifesting with certain elected officials in my town feeling threatened because this online bully continues to blow my statements completely out of proportion and take them completely out of context. He’s attempting to again rob me of the quality of my words, but this time it involves my very own community, which I cherish more than my own life. That’s why I swore an oath to the Constitution to defend my community from all threats, both foreign and domestic.

I’m being smeared as threatening a public official with whom I disagree Politically. I was recently featured on our local media station (KECI, Missoula) for voicing my opposition to the misuse and abuse of Montana’s Tax Increment Financing statute, which is causing measurable harm to many people and nobody wants to talk about it. And now that people like ME are talking about it, they’re trying to silence the issue once again.

I’ve been notified of a potential restraining order that would bar me from attending City Council meetings in my town – a town I was born in, where many activists have been voicing vociferous opposition to Neo-liberal policies that disadvantage Montana taxpayers to extreme and absurd degrees.

This translates into a truth-teller being potentially robbed of his 1st Amendment rights for honestly voicing the frustration and despair felt by people all around me the community over; people our elected officials CLAIM to represent. Things are really dark in Missoula and nobody is talking about it. And okay, I admit it. I've had a mental breakdown. I blew the whistle and it seemed like nothing happened; I was ousted from my church; I was excommunicated from  my family; I lost my job; I lost my son; I lost my health. Even my housing. Of COURSE I've lost my mind!

But my heart is in the right place.

I sincerely hope the members of my community do not seriously believe I mean them physical harm. Let me spell it out: I mean no physical violence to anyone; an oath I swore after I left that infernal drone program. I’m a disabled veteran for God’s sake. I’m tired of unnecessary fighting with people just as under-served by the status quo as I am. That’s why I became a whistle-blower. Hello?

Furthermore, I sincerely hope the members of my community take note of this Rick Rynearson character - who started a GoFundMe to pay for his legal fees that accrue from all of the slander suits he dodges on a constant basis due to his highly inflammatory nature, defaming the character of people who tell the truth about war. He's guilty of what he accuses me of; he has a history of harassing public officials in his town. This is the pot calling the kettle black.

For some reason, Rick Rynearson can't seem to find anything better to do with his days but demonize me as the reason for all the problems in our world. It’s a really sad state of affairs, and I trust the highly-literate Missoulians all around me can see right through this blatant tactic to again disarm the will of the popular majority. Missoula taxpayers are losing out big time. Our 500 homeless school children are losing out big time. And our suicide statistics are not getting better.

Let’s focus on the issues, please. Reducing this to personality seems pretty infantile at this point.

Please quit diverting the issues into ad hominem attacks on my personality, and competing in the victim-Olympics of the little-boy-who-cried wolf.

The above statements represent those made by Brandon W. Bryant.
Best regards.