08 November 2016

A Letter to the People of the United States of America

Dear Voters,

Today is the day of to vote for the highest office in our Land, two-hundred and forty years after the birth of our country.  And we should be ashamed of ourselves.

If you're reading then then you know about me, but none of you know me.  I have stood in front of the principalities and powers that believe they govern our world to speak about what I have seen and done.  I have talked with the eldest and the youth, our politicians and policy makers, media personalities and propagandists, friend and foe alike.  I exposed the wounds of my heart, mind, body, and soul to all who would listen, shouting in my whispers a cacophony of sorrow and misery.  Of betrayal and the grim burning rage that sits where my heart used to be.

And the best that my countrymen can do is stand by while my fellow veterans and I lose ourselves to the madness of war. And the best my fellow veterans can do is turn on one another to defend a loyalty that never existed because we should all know by now that our "service" means nothing.  That whenever we hear "thank you for your service" all that echoes in our minds is "thank goodness that isn't me."

And what goodness is there in having to fight in a war without a cause?  What goodness is it to send young men to kill and die so that the old men might sleep in their beds, safe with wife and kids?  What good have we done when all evident truths point to us as being the cause to our own problems?  That twenty-two veterans a day, minimum, kill themselves because they glimpse with despair of the evil in men's souls?

I have heard people say that this generation is a bunch of pussies.  I've been told, myself, plenty of harsh things by the ignorant and the uneducated.  I've even been called a "Death Cult Leader" by a delusional stalker.  Threatened by that same patriot drunk on his own self importance and his fellow blind wannabe haters.  I've been rejected by my peers, my fellow veterans, family.  Abused, betrayed, and discarded.

I look at all that is going on now in my country, what we have become and all I can think about is that I wasted my time believing in it. Believing in We The People.  Believing that my hard work and dedication and love to my Country would matter.  That people would listen.  That people cared.

I did everything I could to the best of my abilities and it wasn't enough.  I'm sorry.  I tried.  I believed that if I stood up against the bullies of the world then people would stand with me.  That my peer relationships and friendships were more than superficial.  That I would get more of a response than some fat nobody man-child pilot with a twisted ego acting like an obscene parody of what I was told was a Military Officer calling me a liar because I disagreed with him on Facebook. But my country silently ignored me and hoped that I would simply disappear.

And in that silence I raged.  I raged because my peers and former leadership are all cowards.  That I served under fools.  Whatever happened to "Integrity, Service, and Excellence?"  Whatever happened to Swearing an Oath to defend our Constitution, where the preamble starts off with WE THE PEOPLE?  Where are the people who follow self-evident truth instead of faith?  What has become of E Pluribus Unum? Discarded for trust in a god that doesn't exist?

Our Founding Fathers would be ashamed of us all.  Our ancestors would be ashamed that we have ran amok like we have, destroying all rationality through blind faith and willing ignorance.

We are the most interconnected generation in the last 10000 years of recorded history, beyond that is simply speculation.  Never before have we had the capability for instantaneous worldwide communication.  Never before had we the technology to solve all of our world's issues.  The ability to educate and give wisdom that we have today would drive our ancestors mad if they knew we were misusing it and abusing it for personal gain and profit.

We have been warned by many about the abuses we see regularly today.  And we ignored them so we shall pay the price.  This time the sins of the fathers will be felt by their sons.  Our history and our shame available for all to see, recorded and shared for the rest of our species existence.

I hope we're embarrassed by it.  I hope we're embarrassed that we let good men and women die for nothing.  That we've imprisoned people who have exposed the truth for the benefit of us all and have done nothing.  That we did nothing when we could have done everything.

I believed in my country and its people.  I was a blind fool.  Now I'm tired and sad at everything I see.  I'm tired of the hate.  I'm tired of the idiocy that has bombarded my social media and email by people who know nothing and refuse to see anything else but the comforts of their bubble universe.  I don't know what to do anymore.  I've given everything I could.  I have nothing left but sorrow.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.  WE HAVE FAILED.

I'm sorry that it had to be in my lifetime.  I have no faith in the People any more.  I have no faith in governments or principalities or powers. I have no faith in gods or devils, angels or demons.  I have seen what we can do and what we can be, both good and bad.  I don't need faith to know we can do better, that we can learn.  I know there is no such thing as a molecule of mercy or justice in the entirety of the Universe.  I know that those are creations of humanity.  Things that don't exist outside of us and our interactions with one another.  But they are OUR creations.  Our gifts that we can give to one another.

I have proved to all who looks what somebody could do alone and wielding Truth.  None can challenge me, but I am nothing.  A nobody from nowhere.  Imagine what you could do together. Imagine if we fought for a better world.  If we weren't drowning in terror and propaganda of others telling us what to do and feel and think.

But I imagine that my words will be lost to the darkness, and like many others who have experienced the same, watch as we destroy ourselves over petty differences and self-righteous hate.

I wish I didn't feel such disappointment in people.  My people.  All Peoples.  I wish I could do more. I wish my friends had stood with me.  I wish my politicians didn't ignore me. That my fellow veterans didn't hate me.  I wish that my family and the community that I had grown up in wasn't blinded by religious dogmatic prejudices. I wish that humanity could show me the better side of itself because all I see is shit.

I hope somebody sees this, but I doubt anyone will.  Goodbye, America.  Your fantasy will be missed.
