30 October 2020
the dragon
29 October 2020
In the spirit of Servitude
In our modern day USA, we thank murders for their service while degrading the grief that they carry. I think in all my journey I have wanted my warrior brothers and sisters to share in my grief. That we all shared this grief.
If that is true then the USA is full of whatever is the opposite of warrior. I had once thought my disgust and horror at our actions would disappear but they have only grown in depth and width to drown out everything in scope.
I have submitted myself to the highest of courts in the world to bring light to my own actions. I have born witness to nothing else. I don't give a flying fuck about anything else. I murdered for the USA government, I have earned my right to speak with the price of blood. Those in my city council that are afraid that I would do "physical harm"... grow the fuck up. I yelled at you because you're fucking disgusting and you lack discipline and fairness in your work. You are servants of MINE, as an average citizen of the united states, who served with honor for 8 years, who EARNED the rank of Staff Sergeant dispite all your fucking petty meddling, I who spilt blood in my service do get to yell at you when your actions have violated my home.
I should have known that in the spirit of tradition the American Government would fail even somebody who was, and is, as loyal as I am. Not once, despite all the misery I've been put through, have I changed my course. I would rather burn America to the ground and see what her people build from the ashes than give the power that we wield over to tyrants and monsters.
You forget that I'm the consumate warrior, and that I am fair in all my judgements and dealings. I have to be to adhere to the spirit of Justice and Battle. For that reason alone I have placed the proverbial ball in the court of the lowest kind, so that we may see that they were never there to help anyone, especially one so faithful of a servant as I have been.
If I were to tell my son anything when he got older, it would have been this; "you will always serve something, it might as well be something greater than yourself. That doesn't mean needless sacrifice, but the attunement of your will, power, and energy to be most efficient to encounter the problems that society faces today."
In light of all that has been happening in the world, we need leaders who choose that. My drill sergeants were the greatest men that I had ever met in the military. I think about them and the words that they gave me all the time. "Lead, Follow, Get out of the way!" "Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do."
But mostly I think about the times they pulled me aside and told me to pay attention, especially to the bad leaders, because they'll show you how it is not to be done.
I remember specifically a tale of two master sergeants in the 15th recon squadron. One of them was my morally bankrupt supervisor and another one would call an "unassuming man." One day we were in the break room waiting to go into the briefing, and the unassuming one started vacuuming like it was his normal thing. My newly appointed MSGT dickwad supervisor stood up and "made an example" of all the young airman in the room for "making" a master sergeant vacuume.
Now, I understand the level of manipulation that goes on in the military, but from my perspective, I have more respect for the MSGT that vacuumed without a word and showed me through his actions what was to be done, than the idiot who expected everyone to obey his every whim. From there, if we look at the military's Enlisted Force Structure, the Unassuming Warrior did exactly his duty, which consists of nothing more than responsibilities added to his Airmanship.
From here, I have to caveat, that I'm going to reveal a lot of JSOC not out of spite, but because it inherited a lot of garbage from the Conventional guys trying to suck dicks to get promotions. Here I will be revealing no mission details, but more of the culture that plagued the drones and will to it's bitter end.
For one, it created a pretender like Ratnearson, somebody who has shown a moderate amount of effort simply to discredit a man who cries about murder. I'm unsure if I have to spell that out for anyone, whether it will be in the court of law or otherwise, I was betrayed by my country, I never betrayed it. I say that as somebody who wanted to believe the lies they told me. Those that say that I had a choice, there are many who say otherwise. If I say that I had a choice, I chose the path of cowardice instead of the path of my heart. I submitted to their rule and authority, not unquestioningly, but undoubtedly for sure.
If what I have to say is detrimental to the USA, then they should have thought about that before destroying another generation of our strongest individuals in an endless and worthless war.
My drill sergeants told me that the military was a dictatorship protecting a democracy. I've thought a lot about that over the years, and I've come to another conclusion. The military needs to be a kingship protecting a democracy.
I say kingship because that's the only words that I have to describe the level of discipline that I hold my military leadership to. Or did, at any rate. I held them up to the highest standards, and even in the ancient classes of laborer, merchant, scholar, and warrior, the warrior class was also the class of kings. To face death like we have is to laugh in the face of false rulers. That's why the law doesn't matter. Any idiot can make a rule to imprison another idiot. Warriors are only concerned with eternity.
The disgusting slime that make up my city council are simply another reflection of the greater problem. My only concern with their blood is that they live long enough to see true justice, even if that means living forever. I am unconcerned with religion, I am unconcerned with the law. I am unconcerned with the destruction that mankind faces, because really all this is a making of our own endeavor.
The solution to all of it is obvious. The only way forward is for the veteran community to rise up to their place in leadership of our society, instead of being a broken clump of nothings doing whatever dog duty that we're told. We are not dogs in the dark. We are men, and we should be acting like it.
Any idiot can kill another idiot. I'm not interested in being an idiot again, thank you. But I will be loud as fuck just to piss you off.
How many messengers must god send before you stop killing them?
27 October 2020
The Full Reveal
"Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what they've done."
Revelations 22:12
Holy Bible
Abrahamic Faith, Branch: Christianity, Modern Day
I think it is time that I start expanding on the truth that I have born witness to in my lifetime. But first there is something that I must come clean about.
Many of my posts on social media have been nothing more than to directly antagonize a man who has violently stalked me since 2014. I never would have realized that the members of my own community and government would use a false testimony of a man who has never met me, and claims to know me through his obsessive viewing of my personal interviews. Up until I spent time in jail because of this man, it was mostly a game for me. A way for me to express my anger at an individual who represents all the bad qualities of every senior leadership that I've ever had. A man who is cowardly by nature, a gossip, and an endangerment to others because he places his own ego first before the consideration of truth or justice.
A man who I will see in the witness stand give this false testimony in front of God and the entire world.
Something that I'd never really thought I'd have to say.
Since leaving Jail my life has been in constant danger. Police stalk me as I walk my dog, follow if I'm in a vehicle, and have most likely kept surveillance of me since standing up to the bullies who have taken over my town and made it too expensive to live. The court prosecutor, Matt Jennings, should be disbarred for using my stalker's tabloid blog as his own findings, purposely seeking to damage my terrible reputation.
I know in my heart that I was always meant to be a warrior and a priest, but I cannot call what I participated in the military as anything close to warriorship, and when I tried to step into that world my anxieties and guilt crushed my will to go on and the emotional burden gave me a glimpse into hell. I'm unsure of what happened the week of my injury. I gave it my best and I wish they would have let me die in that hospital. I'm sorry, JSOC, but you may have done a disservice by letting me live with that guilt and the hatred for the scum you have let among your ranks. I guess I feel like I was lied to. I wanted to believe in all my heart in the mission, the fight. I committed the Art of War to heart for you. Of course, my pilots would admonish me for "being a philosopher."
When I went to Norway I went to connect with my ancestor's gods. I never told anyone this, because mythology is so looked down upon my many people in my journey. I tell it now because this is important to discuss before Samhain.
I am the Last and Only Living priest of the God Tyr. I did the old rituals. I called the old magics. I was filled with the spirit of Justice and Battle. My blood burned and my soul burst. My son's mother almost poisoned my spirit. The pain my heart has endured....
And the pain it will endure. I know it. I think that it is this spirit that has protected and guided me through everything I've done. I say this now because as my previous blog, a Joint Special Operations Command knife was thrown at me. It has the engraving "So That Others May Live," engraved on the blade. The Pararescue motto. JSOC has put a hit out on my life. The ones that really taught me everything. The ones that taught me to "Return With Honor." What I have been seeking all along.
I have told the truth in every bit of publication I have given my consent to. I believe that the path of right action is the only way to go. In order to get into a place of silence we need to loudly address the injustices of the world. The only way for JSOC and the military to gain their honor back is to never let themselves be used for political gain. The Way of the Warrior dictates that battle can only be met honorably if the leaders who send one to battle are righteous. To be sent into battle by unrighteous men, even if the soldiers have righteous hearts, is a sentence to whatever hell awaits one in the afterlife. To take any life is murder, no matter the cause.
Now we have a government who lets their own people die, and blames them for it. Keeps them in abject poverty instead of adhering to the responsibility of taking care of those who have been put under their charge. The political leadership of both the Democrats and the GOP is goddaweful and needs to be dismantled immediately.
Here is what I'm calling for. I don't think that the American People has what it takes to make a revolutionary change that will be beneficial for all. I think the police are corrupt and the politicians are tyrants holding on to whatever scraps of power they can by exercising arrests of free men and women everywhere.
There needs to be a military coup. If everything that JSOC taught me was true, honor, integrity, justice, then this is the only way to for the military to redeem themselves. I will go into detail about why. Donald Trump and his entire cabinet needs to be arrested and placed under military arrest. Same goes with Wallstreet and all the Lobbyists that work for corporate interests. Since corporations are now people, the individuals that are their CEOs, that have placed profit over the welfare of the people and government should be arrested and tried as well. Then we go with Senior Democratic and Republican leadership, for betraying this country to the highest bidder.
Here is why this needs to happen and the process that will go along with it.
Without the US Military's help, her people are vulnerable. Veterans are not getting the care they need, the entire VA is a joke. There are great people inside it, but the system that they are forced to collide with every day is meant to help the veterans as little as possible. Sun Tzu says in the Art of War that no country ever gained victory from fighting a protracted war. Our warriorship has been betrayed by the merchant and political classes.
The Tyranny that we are told about being overseas only waited until the Strong men and women were gone to those imaginary fights. They have taken the technology that was created to protect our troops in battle and now subjugate their own people with it. The police, whom I had always trusted growing up, has now been infiltrated by mobsters and criminals. A gang unto themselves.
I love honorable guards. That's what I used to think of the police as, Knights patrolling the kingdom. I was an idealist as a child. I never feared a thing because I had thought all the terrible things were history and fiction. I remember when my sister's father went to war in the Gulf War, I remember people saying that we won it so fast that there would never be a war again. We showed how superior our might was.
It was the police at home that kept the peace. But as I've grown up and realize is that the police forgot discipline and duty. Not to the Law, anyone can make up rules, but to the protection of all in the community, especially the weak and those that couldn't fight for themselves. I would rather have bored guards that are paid well to maintain their discipline than busy guards who make shit up to do because they're disgruntled with life. It was lazy police officers that jump to conclusions and have given me terrible times. I believe with better detective work, that the protectors of my community would have been on my side, that those that seek to represent justice are doing so.
Is that too much to ask? To be better?
Do you know what Enlightenment or Revelation is? Simply a reveal of yourself. That's it. To see yourself fully and unjudgementally. To understand yourself, and to be the best representative of that self, wherever you go. It's really not hard. What is that Self? It is no thing, but it produces the most wonderful things that you will never find a molecule of. Love, Mercy, Justice. These things are uniquely ours to give.
So how are they measured? They are measured by intelligence, emotion, and intuition. We all know when we've been wronged or when we've wronged somebody. There are many time's it's unintentional, and I think that too many people care about other's personal opinions of themselves. Which is one of the reasons that I will always win against my stalker rat because he really cares about my opinion of him. Really the only reason that I will win against anyone in my stance for justice because I stand for Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help me, God.
I also encourage others to take a good look at themselves. I don't speak from a very high platform. I'm guilty of murder. I just know what I've done and I've done everything in my power to bring me peace with it.
Right now I sleep like a baby and I've never felt better. However, the pain in my heart has never disappeared. It's like a permanent wound in my soul. The darkness is gone, purged in the fire of the old world, but the broken heart has never healed. That's why I can never take a leadership position in anything nor accept any measure of power. I've done everything I can to distance myself from everything but the truth.
The truth is this. I am furious at what has gone on in my country. That I have been lied to, harassed, stalked, and violently attacked for trying to do the right thing. The manipulation of my heart has been astounding, and I leave everyone with what they have taken. All debts are forgiven. All trespasses are forgiven. I know that I will not get justice in my own home town. It is too corrupt and the people have proven to me to be too few and too cowardly, too weak.
That is why the military has to step up and restore their honor, and have the discipline to step down and hand the government over to the People when those that have abused their power have been arrested and charged with treason of the highest order. We need warriors who are the greatest servants to humanity that it has ever known. And that is to come home and fight for your people. We need you. All your veteran brothers and sisters need you. Otherwise the fall of America will be too great to recover from.